Lists Of Contents Tagged With "Health"
Pimples can appear anywhere on the skin, but they most often occur on the face. It is also called acne. Acne occur when your skin's oil glands are overactive and your pores become inflamed. That's why some types of skin bacteria may make pimples worse and painful.
Since pimples are usually triggered by androgen hormones, and in some cases it ...
Social adjustments in middle age are less affected by traditional beliefs and stereotypes than personal adjustments. However, social adjustments are affected to some extent by traditional beliefs such as “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” – the new “tricks” being new social skills – or “Once a leader, always a leader.” For example, middle-aged men ...
One of the major developmental tasks of middle age is learning how to use leisure time in a satisfying way. This is an especially difficult task because men and women now have more leisure time than they did in early adulthood and because there is an ever-increasing number of recreational activities open to middle-aged people.
The recreational interests of ...
Many middle-aged men and women show a greater interest in church and church-related activities than they did when they were younger, though this interest may be for reasons other than religious ones. For example, many middle-aged people, especially women, who have more free time and fewer family responsibilities than they formerly had, find that religious activities fill their needs ...
When the working life of men and women comes to an end, they tend to focus their interests and attention on their homes and family life. Because of this concentration of interest and attention, conditions which previously may have been only minor hazards tend to become major hazards, threatening their physical as well as their psychological well-being.
Because the pattern ...
A radical change in the self-concept at any age and for any reason is likely to lead to a breakdown in the personality structure of minor or major severity. Advancing age and its pressures bring an increase in personality breakdowns and in the number of individuals committed to mental institutions.
In the milder forms, these breakdowns consist of such disorders ...
The fourth criterion that may be used to assess the kind of adjustment elderly people make is the degree of self-satisfaction or happiness they experience. According to Erikson, old age is characterized by either ego-integrity or despair. When the achievements of the elderly have come up to the standards they set for themselves earlier, so that the gap between their ...
The first criterion that can be used to assess the kind of adjustments elderly people make is the quality of their behaviour. As was pointed out earlier, there are two different and contrasting theories of successful aging: the activity theory and the disengagement theory. According to the activity theory, men and women should maintain the attitudes ...
How successfully men and women will adjust to the problems arising from the physical and mental changes that accompany aging and from the changes in status that occur at this time will be influenced by many factors, some of which are beyond their control. The most important of these factors are given and briefly explained in below:
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