Lists Of Contents Tagged With "Health"
The third criterion that may be used to assess the kind of adjustments elderly people make is the degree and extent of change in personality. It is popularly believed that all old people, regardless of their younger personality patterns, develop into ogrelike creatures who are mean, stingy, quarrelsome, demanding, selfish, self-centered, egotistical, and generally impossible to live with ...
The second major adjustment problem in marriage is sexual adjustment. This is unquestionably one of the most difficult adjustments to marriage, and it is the one most likely to lead to marital discord and unhappiness if it is not satisfactorily achieved. Usually the couple has had less preliminary experience related to this adjustment than to the others, and ...
Just as the ever-increasing number of vocational opportunities makes vocational selection and adjustment difficult, so does the ever-increasing number of family patterns make marital adjustment difficult. This difficulty is increased when one spouse has grown up in a family where the lifestyle differs markedly from that of the other spouse. A woman, for example, whose childhood home life was that ...
Sex-role adjustments during early adulthood are extremely difficult. Long before adolescence is over, boys and girls are well aware of the approved adult sex roles but this does not necessarily lead to acceptance. Many adolescent girls want to play the role of wife and mother when they reach adulthood, but they do not want to ...
The “three A’s of happiness,” acceptance, affection, and achievement, discusses on this article, are often violated during the puberty years. Hence it is questionable whether any pubescent child is or can be really happy or even partially satisfied with life under such conditions.
The first essential of happiness is acceptance, both self-acceptance and social acceptance. To ...
It is understandable that the widespread effects of puberty on children’s physical well-being would also affect their attitudes and behaviour. However, there is evidence that the changes in attitudes and behaviour that occur at this time are more the result of social than of glandular changes, though the glandular changes unquestionably play some role through ...
The fourth major physical change at puberty is the development of the secondary sex characteristics. These are the physical features which distinguish males from females and which make members of one sex appealing to members of the other sex. They are unrelated to reproduction though indirectly they are related by making males appealing to females and vice ...
Puberty is a unique and distinctive period and is characterized by certain development changes that occur at no other time in the life span. The most important of these are discussed below:
Puberty must be regarded as an overlapping period because it encompasses the closing years of childhood and the beginning years ...
Because of the relatively undeveloped state of the most important sense organs – the eyes and the ears – one could not logically expect newborn infants to be keenly aware of what goes on around them. Their awareness is more likely to be “one great blooming, buzzing confusion,” as James has described it.
As was pointed ...
The best criterion that can be used to determine the presence or absence of sensory capacity is the motor response to sensory stimuli that would normally arise when these sense organs are stimulated. However, it is often difficult to tell whether a motor response is made to a stimulus or whether the reaction is a part ...
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