Is your lover selection seriously lacking? Think of our suggestions as your lover GPS - they'll direct you straight to an eligible cutie.
If you are tired of being single and now you are ready to mingle, there is nothing wrong making the first move. In fact, you are reading this article because you are searching for your future partner right? So take off those shyness and explore with your wilderness. So here are the top locations in which you can possibly find your one true love. Who knows? Maybe it will now be your chance to find the gem.
- Whether on campus, or at any pet-friendly park or mall, have your cute four-legger in tow. Dogs, especially those friendly ones like Labradors or terriers, are major guy magnets. Make sure you station yourself near a pedestrian-heavy spot, and watch as guys make googly eyes with your pets.
- Craft beers are getting really popular, which means restos are now starting to offer them. Go to one and notice that the majority of visitors are men.
- Stop by the gadget store. Guys love to play and explore new technology.
- When guy obsess, they go all out - they launch books or exhibits, hold forums. debates, or even just gatherings where they can share info or trade fan stuff. Check events calendars of places like bookstores to find out when one of these is happening, and go. Hint: Instead of sitting down the second you get there, wait for a cute guy to pick a spot, then take the seat next to him.
- Online dating sites are cropping up lately that match you with guys based on shared interests. Do you want to meet someone adventurous? Down to earth? Loves to receive/give surprises? You'll find him there. Just be careful if it's a real account or not.
- Go to a coffee-tasting sesh (Starbucks holds free tasting every now and then) They're growing in popularity, and the guys who attend them are often pretty chill.
- Your Facebook is a minefield of men who are single... and men you are personally know. To see which ones you can totally hang with, post this on your status: "Hey guys, what's a great date idea you know you'll totally enjoy?" When you see a date idea you like among the comments, just message the guy to make it happen.
- Visit a guitar shop. The guys who work there are almost guaranteed to be musicians, and other dudes come in to play with the instruments.
- Men are obsessed with recreational sports leagues. Simply sign up with beginner's league and start playing. You won't run out of getting to know lean, athletic types, plus you get to trim and exercise off your cute bootie, too.
- Hospital cafeterias are a great place to meet male docs or nurses who have crazy-hectic schedules and are too busy to spend much time anywhere else. if you aren't feeling gutsy enough to go for no reason, volunteer at the hospital so you can stop in for lunch.
- Thanks to some cooking shows on television, guys are getting more into cooking these days. try out a short-course cooking class and you might just meet a few.
- Stand at the end of a local 5k and cheer on the runners. Since you'll be there for a while as you see everyone cross the finish line, you'll have plenty of time to talk to the dudes who are also there watching the race.
- Host happy hour at your place, and tell everyone drinks are on you - so long as they bring one person who no one else on the guest list knows. Since some of the newbies are bound to be guys, it's a fast way to add lots of men to your list of options.
- Men like to be in the know about certain things, and sports is one of them. Go to a sports bar and order a round of drinks for the group of dudes arguing about their Playoffs bets. Even if you don't know much about basketball, just ask leading questions like, "Who's your MVP bet?" to get them yakking, and you're guaranteed to be the most likable chick in their book.
- Go to a driving range and ask for golf lessons on the spot. Not only will you add to your impressive list of can-do's, but the driving range is also one of the best places to meet men. Why? They outnumber the women there almost five to one.
- Join a dating community, like My 20 First Dates (www.my20firstdates.com). Here, singles get to meet other singles in the same age group and with the same inclinations - whether you're from a particular faith belief, descent or heritage (i.e., Chinoy), or even just have particular interests (i.e., dog lover). Since they screen each applicant, you'll be sure to join a group in which you'll likely have something in common with everyone.
- Rainy nights are here to stay, so keep yourselves dry in a cozy Irish pub, where a lot if yuppies and execs usually hang out. Even better, join quiz night and wow the cute, geeky type with your impressive stock knowledge. You won't even notice it's raining outside.
- Little-known secret: A bunch of guys hit up showrooms at luxury car dealerships to drool over the seet rides.
You Didn't Hook Him Because...
You cane, you saw, you flirted - and you looked hot to boot, So, why didn't you conquer? You likely made one of these five common pick-up mistakes.
You were with two or more friends. Men know that every woman with you will weigh in on him the second he walks away. So, they view each of your buddies as another chance to get shot down,
You were on your cell. No guy will approach you when you're midtext. Put your cell in your bag.
You overshared. Women connect by opening up, but men crave a little mystery. Instead of spilling your secrets ASAP, get a convo going with a question, such as "That looks like a watch with a story - where did you get it?"
You let hime end the convo. When he's the one who cuts things off, there's no natural opportunity for him to ask for your number. But when you say, "I've gotta run, but it was great meeting you," he knows he has only seconds to get your digits. Putting on some pressure gets guys to ask for 'em.
You looked away when you caught his gaze. Instead, use "the five-second flirt" technique: Hold his stare for five seconds, smile, then look away. It gives him the go-ahead to make a move.