In our generation now, you are living in a cave if you do not have smartphones. Taking pictures and documenting everything whether its about the special food you eat or the cool places you've visit become everybody's obsession. Especially during travelling. it seems like TravelIing is like a reset button in which once it was clicked, you'll tend to reset everything from your busy and workaholic life just to place yourself away from your everyday life and have some refreshment. But travel is full of pitfalls. One wrong step and your vacation could be ruined by a seedy hotel room, an overpriced restaurant, a wasted afternoon at a tourist-trap attraction or an overnight flight crammed in the middle seat. So, guarantee a smooth trip by planning thoroughly. If this is your first time to travel abroad or local, Here's how to make all the right moves.
1. Always bring medicine
You wouldn't know when you will get sick. For that reason, being prepare in a different and unexpected situation is recommended. Like what is on the famous quote from mountainers that I always hear: "Expect for the worst, hope for the best". Since you are travelling, you will be in a different place that you wouldn't know that's why you have to expect that there is a possibility that you'll get sick since your body is adapting to a different climate temperature.
2. Make a Packing List
So what's a packing list? A packing list is a list of all the necessary things that you will bring for travel. For you to get more prepare and less hassle, I advice you to list down first all the necessary things that you'll bring. Why it is needed? For you not to forget the important thing and not to bring the less important thing. After that, put it in your bag and make a recheck after.
3. Don't leave your things unattended
This is the most important advice that I could give to you guys so listen well. When you are in a hotel or even in any places, "Never trust people when it comes to your money". There was a time when I had a vacation in Boracay and stayed in an exclusive hotel there. It is actually a five star hotel. Being so trustful to the hotel and to the people there, All I want is to relax and had fun that time that's why I just leave my things at the table on my room without knowing that the housekeeping who enters the room to clean and to change the bed sheet stole my money from my wallet. It is just there tactics that they don't get the whole money and just left few bucks for you to trick that you were not stolen. I reported the incident to the management but unfortunately it seems that they are not doing any actions about it and just said to me that they will do further investigations in the future. Oh Goddamn! How can they do that? That was my last day at the hotel and my flight will just be in few hours so I desperately want my money back. Lesson learned? Prevention is better than cure. So instead of expecting people to do actions about the horrible thing that happened to you, better take care of your things and never trust people on your money.
4. Keep in contact with family and friends back home
Keeping in contact with family and friends back home and giving them your itenerary will let them know where you are. Posting on social media about where you are will also help because it won't be difficult for them to trace you if something bad happened. It may sound corny but texting and calling your family is good too especially if you are on a trip.
5. Avoid being flashy
If you're travelling abroad then you're more than likely to be richer than most of the locals, but advertising this fact by wearing gold jewellry or carrying a $2000 camera around your neck is not advisable. It makes you a target for thieves. Leave your jewellry at home and keep your camera in a bag when you're not using it. Wearing simple and ordinary clothes is better for protecting yourself too against thieves.