Lists Of Contents Tagged With "Social"
A personality Disorder is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual's culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescense or early adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment.
The list includes.
1 ...
Behavior depends on the integration of numerous processes within the body. This integration is provided by the nervous system with the help of the endocrine glands.
The brain is composed of some 10 to 12 billion specialized nerve cells called neurons. These form the basic units of ...
To be conscious is to be alert and active, as you are when you awake from sleep. It also means to know oneself and to be aware of one's surroundings.
A common experience is that things drift in and out of consciousness. We do not only remember and forget but we also shift our attention ...
Learning is basic to understanding behavior. The psychological study of learning embraces much more than the learning of a new job or an academic subject; it also bears upon the fundamental problems of emotional development, motivation, social behavior, and personality.
Learning may be defined as a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of ...
The greatest accomplishment of man is the ability to have a complex thougths and communicate them through language. Thinking includes a wide range of mental activities such as to imagine or represent objects and events that are not physically present. The building blocks of thoughts are called concepts.
To have a concept of something ...
Perception is the process by which we organized and interpret the patterns of stimuli in our environment. Perception acts to draw the sensory data together into a wholistic pattern. Vision and audition provide the most of our perceptual experiences. The perception of objects and events takes place within a framework of space and time. Vision gives us ...
People have many attributes. They differ greatly in distinctiveness. Society selects certain attributes as means of identifying various categories of persons, and ignores others. Such attributes are age, sex, racial characteristics, membership in a group, organization, or society - as in occupational, church, national affiliation or on certain distinctive behavior patterns.
This is an act of overgeneralizing, often ...
This article will help us to look at some of the methods used to treat abnormal behavior. Treatment of mental disorders is closely linked to theories about the causes of such disorders.
1. Exorcism
The early Chinese, Egyptians, and Hebrews thought disorderd behavior to be the ...
People differ widely in intelligence, knowledge, and skills. What a person can do now and what he or she can do later if given appropriate training may also differ. This training has a measurable influence on our behavior. Thus, the practical applications of using tests are widespread.
The distinction between a ...
An infant's early behavior is largely determined by basic biological needs, but as the child grows, new motives appear that are learned by interacting with other people. They are called psychological motives to distinguish them from motives based on physiological needs, Security, acceptance, approval, feelings of self-worth, and competency are important psychological motives.