Obviously, major factors like trust and sexual compatability can make or break a relationship, but recent studies are uncovering a host of other, unexpected things that either bolster your bond or chip away at it. There is a popular saying or scapegoat that usually used during break up which is "It's not you, it's me. I just woke up one day and realized that I am not in love with you anymore" Sounds familiar right? that is a classic line in every break up scene on movies. That's why this blog will help you determine what are the factors that can make your relationship stronger and also the factors that fades your love to each other, which must need to take action immediately. Falling out of love doesn't happen overnight. It is actually progressive. If your partner feel neglected all the time and broken promises are not new on the relationship. Well, it's a red flag that your partner might fall out of all with you.
Owning A Camera. Being able to record moments in your life not only helps you create album after album on Facebook, it also benefits your love in a big way. In a recent poll, 79 percent of couples said their digital camera has improved their relationship. Why? because taking photos together
Picking up his lingo. You may cringe if you catch your guy's words like dude or bro or other such expressions coming out of your mouth, but it's actually a good thing. This tendency is called language-style matching and strengthens your ties to each other.
Spoiling him a little. Pick up his favorite drink or bring him coffee in bed before work. According to researches, when the person you love feels grateful toward you, it makes him feel closer to you, too.
Letting your "weirdness" show. Say you like to organize your clothes by color or watch the home TV shopping channel obsessively but hide it from him because, well, you don't want him to think you're weird. Quit it. Studies show when you're true to yourself, you feel more intimate with him.
Knowing his goals. Yes, your guy has ambition, but researchers are now saying you should look closely at what he aspires to do. If he wants to accomplish things like beating his own time in his next 5k as opposed to just outrunning all his buddies, you have a catch. The first kind of goal shows he's out to better himself, not just compete, and men like that tend to be ideal love matches.
Gossiping with him. Obviously, you're gonna save the most scandalous dirt for your friends, but go ahead and loop him in on fun, lighthearted rumors. For example, dish if you hear a mutual friend is about to propose. When you share positive gossip with each other, it makes you both feel like you have each other's back.
Resisting the urge to pounce. You've met a guy you like and are dying to jump his bones. Try to keep your pants zipped a bit longer (hard, we know!). Researchers found that duos who waited to seal the deal until they both felt deeply committed to each other communicate better and have much more stable relationships.
Calling him en route. It's better to put off a convo than ring him on your (or his) drive home from work. Safety risks aside, scientists say talking behind the wheel leads to misunderstandings, since it takes you longer to react and your attention is impaired.
Smothering him with support. Canceling your happy-hour plans with pals when he phones to tell you he's been laid off? Cool, caring girlfriend move. Sending him links to open jobs every hour? Ehhh, not so great. Even though you may think you're helping, when you're constantly trying to be supportive, it comes accross as overbearing, which experts say can drive him away.
Ignoring your friends' opinion. If your best buds and family have nothing remotely nice to say about your guy, beware. When the people you care about most don't approve of your significant other, the relationship is less likely to go the distance.
Paying his way. It's awesome that women are starting to outearn men, but if your guy is financially dependent on you, it can have harmful effects. Turns out, a guy who relies on his partner for cash is five times more likely to cheat.
Storming out. When he pisses you off, it's tempting to walk out the door and take some time to cool down. But, that strategy doesn't actually work. A study recently found that when one partner regularly withdraws from an argument, it seriously ups their chances of splitting.
Being surrounded by seperated people. Psychologists did extensive research and found that when a friend, sibling, or coworker goes through a separation or breakup, it makes your relationship up to 147 percent more likely to suffer the same fate.