Don't call it a cutie pixie. The hottest/coolest haircut of the season may be short, but it's not exactly sweet.
There are several reasons a woman might hesitate to cut her hair short - chief among them, accidentally being called "sir" and getting locked into the practical-enough-for-a-PTA-meeting look day in, day out.
That's why before deciding on cutting your hair, think several times first and consider some factors like face shape, thickness of hair and etc. to know if the latest short-cut hairstyle will look good on you or not. But if you already cut your hair and feel not happy about it, Here are the tips that you can avoid in order for your hair to not look worst.
1. Adding Volume At The Crown.
Two words: Kate Gosselin. "When you puff up the back and flatten the front like a little Texas bouffant, it looks old-fashioned," Garren says.
2. Excessive Blow-Drying.
Lazy women, rejoice and hit snooze. "It's better to blow a short cut around 50 percent dry, run a little wax or serum through it, then let it air-dry on its own," Garren says. "That gives it natural-looking lift."
3. Getting Too Slick.
When a woman uses heavy gel to comb her hair back like Dracula, the results can indeed be monstrous. For some chic James Dean swagger, rake it back with a pomade or wax-Garren likes Rene Furterer Vegetal Styling Wax-"but not slicked to the head," says. "Keep some height at the top and the sides really tight."
4. Overworking It.
Too many products, too much heat styling, and too much time spent perfecting your hair in the mirror can result in a dorky Zack Morris helmet. Hairstylist Matt Fugate, who also styles Stam's hair, suggests a breezy trick involving a dab of wax rubbed vigorously between the hands and a move we'll call the arcade claw: Nestle the fingertips into the hair in a pitchfork formation, then pinch the fingers together and pull hair up through the ends.
5. Battling Your Bangs.
Hair that's longer at the crown than on the sides is one of the keys to short-haircut harmony; it makes Garren crazy to see bangs being tucked behind the ears or pinned over to one side. "Why did you get bangs if you don't want them? Enjoy them, then move on," he says. (They'll grow out soon enough.)
Solution For The Problem:
1. Deconstructing The Cut
Styling the latest cool-girl hair is easy; mustering the guts to chop it all off is the tough part. Well, that, and actually getting the right cut. (If you have springy curls, this isn't it. "If your hair is kinky-curly or frizzy, you'll always be fighting with it, unless you chemically relax it," Garren says.) First, go to a stylist you trust. Second, bring a photo of the hair you want. Then have these talking points handy.
2. For Thick, Medium, Or Wavy Hair:
If you have bulky hair like Stam's, ask for the exact cut Garren gave her, a boyish crop pointed at the nape of the neck, with slightly more length at the sides and a top layer that's long at the crown with lots of snipped bits that are from the eyebrows downward.
3. For Fine Hair:
More weight at the ends will keep them from looking fluffy. Tell your stylist you'd like the top of your hair long and full, with a few angled layers starting at the brows.
4. Keeping Trim
It's no secret: Short styles require maintenance. Miss a haircut appointment, and you may unwittingly end up with a Pat Benatar shag or mullet. Fugate advises a trim every four weeks for short hair; otherwise, it will "get heavy, lose its shape, and grow into a mushroom."