Nobody can resist the delicious taste of pancit. In the Philppines, Pancit is the popular food that is usually prepare by not so rich Flipinos and is always present on the table during special occassions. Unlike spaghetti and other pasta, Pancit doesn't cost to much. For that reason, a simple Pancit recipe is here in order for you to try in every occasions whether it's a birthday or Christmas celebration or even in snack time.
- 1/2 cup of Garlic (minced)
- 1/2 cup of chopped Onion
- 3 tablespoon of Olive Oil
- 1 cup of Soysauce
- 3 tablespoon of Sugar
- 1 bowl of Chopped Vegetables (Cabbage, Carrots, Bell Pepper, Parsley)
- 1/2 kg Meat (You can use pork or chicken)
- 1/2 kg of Pancit Noodles
- 3 cups of Chicken stock
Heat the pan with a tablespoon of olive oil and saute the garlic and onion. Pour the chopped meat. Pour some soysauce and pepper. Wait for the meat to be cooked and add a few sugar.
After that, pour the chicken stock and put the pancit noodles and the vegetables. Wait for the noodles and vegetables to be cooked until theres no water present. Just continue on stirring the pancit to blend all the flavors.
It's reasy to serve now and put some sliced calamansi on the side. Have fun!