"Liars go to hell"
That is a famous saying that someone will go to hell for deceiving and not telling the truth. Nobody wants to get fooled or even outsmartened by anyone. That's why it is a basic instinct that people are so eager to find the truth and to seek honesty from people they are caring for even it will hurt them in the end. For that ŕeason, here are the signs for you to determine if someone is lying to you based on their body language.
1. Too Much Eye Contact Or Too Little
People who are lying tend to avoid eye contact. Why? because there is a bit of guilt or shame saying those words in front of a person they are lying to. But what if a liar also tends to practice eye contact? that means that he/she is definitely a good liar and he/she may be good at it because lying was his/her game and he/does it all the time. But there is a good news, Because even if a liar tend to practice eye contact, It will be easy to spot the lies if you can see the persuation in the eye. Liars practice to be convincing and if all the words that you hear are too good to be true, well, too much eye contact will be notice while speaking because there is no other way that they can make their lies to be the truth by being persuasive and credible on the way they stare. That's why don't be deceive by those 'acting sincere stare'. Have a second thought darling!
2. Improper Breathing
When someone is lying. The breathing is not normal. The heart rate beats fast that's why the consumption of oxygen is minimal. If you notice that a liar talk too fast and has a short breathing while talking, he/she is definitely thinking of something to reason out. It is a human nature that our heart beats fast when we feel uneasy. But the question is, what if the liar is expert on lying and doesn't show any signs of short breathing? It's just easy to know the hint by noticing the tone of the voice. If the liar tend to sound high pitch, that's the thing that they are trying to be defensive and that is one of the sign of lying.
3. Fidgeting
Is the person you are talking to very fidgety? You often see kids do this when they're telling a tale. That's a sign that someone may be lying. Fidgeting is a classic sign of lying but don't you know that not all who fidget are lying? In fact, people who are truthful on what they're saying but are under suspicion tend to fidget also. The question is, why people tend to fidget when they are lying? The answer is, it is a human nature to present robust signal to any action taken by our body. Whether it is nail biting, fidgeting, lip biting and etc. when we are on a situation that we are not comfortable.
4. Looking Up Left.
Observe that if you are trying to remember something, your eyes tend to look upright while when you are thinking and creating ideas, your eye tend to look upleft. So if you ask your husband about what he do last night and tend to look upleft, he probably thinking what's credible reason he can speak out.
5. Over-emphasizes details.
When people are trying to avoid telling the truth, they often pick some obscure point and talk about it a lot instead of focusing on the key issue. Honestly, majority of people tend to forget stuff. Especially in a conversation that both people are describing what happened here, people tend to forget the unnecessary details like what is the name of this, who particularly said this thing, what's the exact time this event took place and so on. These are all actually natural. People are more likely to be a bit uncertain, indefinite and unclear when it comes to details when they are telling the truth. Most likely in a casual conversation, a little bit of pause on every sentences said actually points towards someone that being honest rather than lying. Most of us don't remember lots of trivial details and the more honest you are, the more likely you are to admit that you've forgotten stuff. Liars, on the other hand, suddenly develop superhuman powers of recall for unimportant information when you ask them questions about what you suspect might be a lie.