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Use Contact Lenses
Using fashion contact lenses will make your eyes look bigger, rounder and beautiful. Just make sure that the contact lenses you bought is from a legit optical clinic. Make sure to replace it when its expiration date due and ofcourse it requires proper lens care and lens case cleaning each day, to avoid potentially serious eye infections. The advantage of using fashion contact lenses is it will make your look more appealing just like Korean Actresses and Models. It will also make your look younger and fresher.
Apply Nude Pink Lipstick
To make you look more demure and fresh, apply nude pink lipstick. Why nude pink? why not red? its because nude pink lipstick will make you look naturally gorgeous and it will rock in any outfit you wear whether you are in a casual or formal outfit. And most of all, It match in any skin tone! and it immitates Barbie looks.
Perfect Eyebrow
To achieve perfect eyebrow, Apply a very lightcoloured eye shadow to the area just under your eyebrows to create the illusion of lift. This will also help to highlight the arches of your brows. It frames your face and makes your eyes really stand out. So even you have no make up, you can be save from a haggard look if you always trim your eyebrow to make it neat and keeping it always in shape for a perfect aura.